Which comments by BlackLeotardFront were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2023?

2023-11-09I have a 1080ti. Is there a $400-450 GPU that would be an upgrade?
2023-10-17Do I need to do anything special to attract birds to a new feeder?
2023-09-19Help me plan for Seattle in Nov?
2023-07-03cross-platform texting
2023-06-12Are electric toothbrushes good for receding gums?
2023-04-24Bless the coffeemaker and its water...
2023-03-29Yay, we finally got a PS5! Er...now what do we do with it?
2023-03-21my Movavi screen capture of a Zoom session is echo-y: any way to fix?
2023-03-06Vegan recipes that areā€¦ inherently vegan?
2023-02-25Unsmooth the motion on a hotel tv
2023-02-22Saturday night Seattle drinks question
2023-01-16Character partnerships strattling a lawful good / chaotic neutral line