Which comments by offog were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2023?

2023-10-13Two slices of bread, a fried egg, and thou? Who art thou?
2023-09-20Looking for songs with just double bass and vocals
2023-09-15Is there a high quality version of The Shock of the New art series?
2023-08-20New NAS - SSD or HDD?
2023-06-23Who is Garcia?
2023-06-15Using MS Forms for Text Only Survey
2023-04-07Completionist internet projects
2023-03-17"""What is this?"", Round 8911"
2023-03-07Famous Phone Number songs?
2023-03-07Famous Phone Number songs?
2023-02-12Longstanding musical mysteries to be solved by the hive mind
2023-02-07It's got a beat and I can dance to it
2023-01-12Why do radios sound tuned when your hand is on the tuner
2023-01-08The sinking of SEA SURVEYOR (1969)