Which comments by eirias were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2024?

2024-11-15Do I need to isolate from my wife who's recovering from COVID?
2024-10-19Trinkets for LGBTQ+ youth
2024-10-17What desktop app, phone app, or website do you wish existed?
2024-06-02What are some small things that you do for yourself?
2024-05-17Help me build a list of neologisms-by-truncation! (app, fam, cam, mag…)
2024-04-30Help me with a verbally violent email thread?
2024-04-06When do you tell a friend the way their spouse talk about them is bad?
2024-03-23Negotiating clothing choices with a picky kid
2024-02-07Reduce my anxiety with hopefully unnecessary tips for being homeless?
2024-02-04Seeking fiction books with labyrinths and other interminable buildings