Which comments by NotLost were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2022?

2022-11-26Resources for autistic adults dealing with parents/relatives?
2022-11-08Wedding ring wont come off finger…..surgery tomorrow
2022-11-07Last ditch donations
2022-11-04Is there a Dr. House in the house?
2022-08-22Air Force wives in 1971 South Korea?
2022-08-06Help Us Help Our Foster Kid Adult
2022-07-28Ventless portable AC in New England? Get landlord to pay for hotel? Cry?
2022-07-19Strategies for use as manager of an autistic person
2022-06-25Resources for protesting
2022-06-25Resources for protesting
2022-06-25Resources for protesting
2022-05-31Job searching for someone who's been out of the loop since 2007.
2022-05-30Job searching for someone who's been out of the loop since 2007.
2022-05-30Job searching for someone who's been out of the loop since 2007.
2022-05-29Fruit eaten out of a Cheetos bag?
2022-05-23Fifteen minutes later, she would know the answer to her askme.
2022-04-26Too many tortillas
2022-04-12useful skills for the apocalypse