Which comments by pdb were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2024?

2024-12-27How do you know when to take a break/rest/vacation?
2024-12-18How do I mentally persevere through the last 5 years of work?
2024-11-20The Best X You Can Buy for under $50
2024-10-31I hate my condo. Now what?
2024-10-27Replacement for Verizon Message+?
2024-09-11Should I buy a fixer upper condo as a first time homeowner?
2024-07-30What is the best site to watch Olympic sports without commentary?
2024-07-23What is rest actually for?
2024-07-19Prepping for prep- what should I know that hasn't been said?
2024-07-09AI & I
2024-05-31Oregon/Northern CA roadtrip recommendations?
2024-05-27H5N1: Vibes are off. How are you preparing, if at all?
2024-05-22I got no time for livin’
2024-05-19Sunglasses for paddlesports and aging eyes
2024-03-19App or Website for light home workout
2024-03-17Should I trade in my Pixel 7 for a Pixel 8 Pro?
2024-02-11How should I decide if I should buy my iPhone from my company?