Which comments by SageTrail were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2024?

2024-12-19How would you approach this lingering congestion?
2024-11-24“Picture it: Sicily, 2024. A terrible grudge began at the zoo”
2024-10-29Paranoia, extended famliy edition
2024-10-06How to spend less money and manage my budget?
2024-09-27Adopting out a cat in Seattle
2024-09-20Recommend me a fee-only financial planner for a not-wealthy Seattle mom?
2024-08-25Friend has flat tire after dark on I35. What can tell her to do?
2024-06-30Why did my winshield fog up so terribly and incorrigably?
2024-05-03Bird -> cow -> bird -> cow or bird -> cow -> cow?
2024-05-02What am I looking at?
2024-03-29Can He Keep the Man From Taking His Money?
2024-03-23Swim goggles that don’t bruise?
2024-03-10In search of a beanie/skullcap that doesn't cover my ears
2024-02-25Script my week of lousy doctors appointments?
2024-01-07Mass drug interaction detector