Which comments by Klipspringer were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2024?

2024-07-09Sane Widows PC setup 2024 edition
2024-06-10Are these really otters?
2024-05-30Police raid on neighbour's property: was I scammed?
2024-05-23Can I download a Google Workspace shared drive to a local HDD?
2024-05-23Looking for suggestions for a UK fundraising platform
2024-05-16How do I transfer all my files from one PC to another?
2024-04-04Attorney sent financial documents via email-is this a security issue?
2024-03-12How to optimize reducing a device's max. battery capacity without damage
2024-03-11Chrome displaying nonsense that pastes as English in Google translate
2024-03-11Chrome displaying nonsense that pastes as English in Google translate
2024-02-29Jupyter Notebook formatting in Pressbooks
2024-02-10PDF AWOL?
2024-02-10PDF AWOL?
2024-01-27Languagefilter: “x will need replaced”