Which comments by adekllny were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2024?

2024-12-24Which life experiences do insiders downplay the difficulties of?
2024-12-13What's the Middle-Grade Book Equivalent of Die Hard is an Xmas Movie?
2024-09-25shape me up for the big time baby!
2024-08-22Identify an SCA song from this fragment about chattel
2024-06-02Montreal Suggestions
2024-05-22Page turning audiobooks
2024-05-17Help me build a list of neologisms-by-truncation! (app, fam, cam, mag…)
2024-05-08Looking for a specific article/news release from October re: Israel
2024-04-18Good movie for romantic anniversary movie night?
2024-01-23Teething pictures- but not gross