Which comments by coffeecat were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2023?

2023-11-06Sex Work Research and Articles...
2023-11-03WTF tuck?
2023-10-06Can you salvage a marriage that is falling apart?
2023-09-29Catfilter: how to deal with indoor/outdoor cat during house remodel?
2023-09-21Can I pay someone to thoroughly clean my bathrooms?
2023-08-25Help me shop for pants!
2023-08-19How to cat in a small apartment & other questions
2023-08-19Thoughts on giving canine Credelio a week early?
2023-08-11My building manager spit at me...and they didn't fire him. What do I do?
2023-08-04Family Reunion and things to do in western North Carolina
2023-07-30Getting rid of flies in a kitchen garbage can, studio apartment edition
2023-07-20Why did this art museum hire an Indigenous curator from across the world
2023-07-13Academic publishing for dummies?
2023-07-13Academic publishing for dummies?
2023-06-26Help me unpick what is happening here.
2023-06-26Shelf life of refridgerated iced tea
2023-05-15How much to pay a friend for house and cat-sitting?
2023-04-24Bless the coffeemaker and its water...
2023-03-30Oh Ting, you disappoint me!
2023-03-28Advice for a late May itinerary to Costa Rica
2023-03-16When is it time to end a friendship?
2023-03-01should I accept my phd offer?
2023-02-20Buckling Down
2023-02-11I need to end this thing, right?
2023-01-23Savannah + ???