Which comments by lunasol were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2022?

2022-12-13Down coat recs! Difficulty level: plus size
2022-10-08How can I be a less supportive friend
2022-06-30Last minute Mexico City trip recommendations
2022-06-27How much should I spend on social media advertising for this event?
2022-06-22How to become a better texter?
2022-06-15how to be less paranoid as a young woman living in a city?
2022-04-26How to be a Road Warrior, 201-level
2022-04-26How to be a Road Warrior, 201-level
2022-04-25Restaurant recommendations for DC area for next weekend?
2022-04-11my ex-friends hate me and i can't handle it
2022-03-21Another COVID Gut-Check Ask
2022-03-18One Night in Cancun
2022-03-11Help me plan a perfect week in Greece!
2022-03-11London recs: small/weird/local fave museums, tours, and entertainment
2022-03-01Making friends for sweet 12 year olds?
2022-02-28Where is this question/answer I'm looking for?
2022-02-28Where is this question/answer I'm looking for?
2022-02-24Unexpected extra day in Seattle next week, no car. Need fun ferry day.
2022-01-18What could hetero dating culture learn from LGBTQ+ dating culture(s)?
2022-01-13What can I do to not be judgmental about people?
2022-01-09What is the single most important environmental charity?
2022-01-05fluent enough in dog?