Which comments by zengargoyle were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2022?

2022-12-1780s gold
2022-12-1780s gold
2022-11-07Very basic Excel question but need this tonight
2022-11-07Very basic Excel question but need this tonight
2022-11-01Is there an adapter to create a phone jack far from voip modem?
2022-10-15Trash bugs - halp
2022-10-11Does lasagna baking time scale linearly with dish volume?
2022-09-19Stage keyboards and laptop computers
2022-09-16Software and workflow for an office manual/intranet
2022-09-13Help Me Feed 40 Hungry Teens on a Budget
2022-09-12DIYing a generator shelter
2022-09-12How to keep coworkers from hearing therapy sessions through office walls
2022-07-27Saving embedded videos?
2022-07-19Pray, how is Brittles? PAD OSC
2022-07-18Could I Eat It: Self repackaging Mayonnaise without Refrigeration
2022-06-25Bash script, get temperature digits but also, keep a more formal copy?
2022-05-14how best to protect woodwork outdoors?
2022-04-21shatter this mug, but NEATLY
2022-04-14Ever make peace with not knowing how someone died?
2022-02-27Online music jam sites?
2022-02-16Music featuring drones in F please!
2022-02-16Music featuring drones in F please!
2022-01-29Please help me name my new role!
2022-01-07End of life protocols