Which comments by Elysum were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2023?

2023-10-31Romance vs the Circumstance movie recommendations
2023-10-11Itchy scar question
2023-05-26Will our willow-pattern dinner-plates be ranged above the chimneypieces?
2023-05-26Ethical ways to correct incorrect gossip?
2023-05-15how to make positive, supportive conversation
2023-04-25A blueprint for grieving
2023-04-23Training ChatGPT on a specific corpus?
2023-04-13Detailed pacing information for ME/CFS-flavored fatigue?
2023-04-02Holidays alone
2023-03-30Neck crepitus + Upper Back Pain (What to/not do before seeing a doctor)
2023-03-30Neck crepitus + Upper Back Pain (What to/not do before seeing a doctor)
2023-03-28So parched
2023-03-26The Cartoon That is Not Samurai Pizza Cats
2023-02-23I want to fix myself - where do I start?
2023-02-09Was I gaslit? Bothered by an interaction with a friend.
2023-01-07How can I wash only my scalp and leave my ends dry?