Which comments by If only I had a penguin... were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2024?

2024-12-07I feel as though I have been backed into a corner.
2024-12-06Short yes, stout, yes, drippy no
2024-11-27Questions about an item listing online.
2024-11-08Symptoms of possible detached retina, what to do?
2024-10-20Another Android tech support pickle...
2024-08-21What should I know about Jays vs. Angels?
2024-08-19What should I know about Jays vs. Angels?
2024-07-23Dumbest AskMe ever.
2024-03-27article, op-ed, or blog post about burnout causing inability to speak
2024-03-06De-antify my electric kettle
2024-03-06I somewhat need this job....
2024-01-26Is it covid safe to visit my grandma after minor exposure?