Which comments by gregr were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2024?

2024-12-21Why am I not using a .iso to clone C: drives?
2024-12-13How do you connect a monitor to this old Mac laptop?
2024-11-07Do you have a C-HR? School me
2024-10-30Birds minus birds minus birds
2024-10-14What is the current view of Gillian Bently's research on breast shape?
2024-08-19installing new garbage disposal
2024-08-14Source for blank Califone cards?
2024-07-12Track this kiddo
2024-07-11User Friendly Free/Open Source GIS Products?
2024-07-09Diagnosing Home Internet Speed Issues
2024-06-26Help us pick a new city to move to
2024-05-09How should I attach this adapter to this lens?
2024-03-21Do we have counter service here?
2024-03-18Online Sources for Gen 2 Prius Key Fob