Which comments by fabius were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2022?

2022-12-22How do I embed a hosted spreadsheet into a webpage using HTML?
2022-11-27How much life there is left in iPhone 7? what's next?
2022-10-04Organizing and accessing a really really big collection of quotes
2022-10-03Help for a fifteen-year-old deciding on their educational options
2022-10-03What are the best New Yorker stories from any era?
2022-09-12Confusing a shepherd’s pie and a chicken pot pie in Canada?
2022-08-18Hotel or Bed and Breakfast in London
2022-08-14"Tell me about your experiences with group travel for ""solo travellers"""
2022-07-30It's been a long time (dressing) gown
2022-07-19move me from one place to another, london edition
2022-05-15What are your favorite print publications?
2022-04-15Am I an asshole if I block my ex?
2022-03-29Is it worth replacing this iPhone battery?
2022-03-12small, easy-to-maintain listserv that isn't a Google Group in TYOL 2022
2022-02-04I hate all headphones, I need headphones
2022-01-18Are you not entertained?!? well, no actually...
2022-01-16Is my relationship workable or is it better to end things?
2022-01-11Literature on the practicalities of dismantling the 1%