Which comments by urbanlenny were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2023?

2023-12-23Best recipe for baked stuffing ?
2023-12-08When to replace a hot water heater?
2023-11-03Is it really northwest?
2023-10-25How to deal with sweaty clothes?
2023-10-06Booker Prize long long list
2023-10-03Interesting things around Nantes?
2023-10-02Can I Eat It: Canning
2023-09-16Sacagawea for kids, but make it anti-colonial
2023-09-06Weatherproof stickers?
2023-08-19"Seeking ""mind hacks"" to prevent ruminating while I'm on vacation"
2023-07-29feral kitty question
2023-05-17I want to buy movies and music and actually support the artists
2023-05-12Lyrical zeugma
2023-04-12potato salad secret ingredient
2023-03-25help me buy a speaker for my bedroom with airplay
2023-03-14please demystify bowls for me
2023-03-10What accent do you hear?
2023-02-23Music licensing for sports events
2023-02-22How to get over unfair incidents more quickly
2023-02-17How to relearn French?
2023-01-17Energy efficiency upgrades - Canada edition