Which comments by mareli were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2021?

2021-12-28Books about being off the grid / moving away
2021-08-20Help with composing script for calling a store manager
2021-08-18How do I get specific logs.
2021-08-10Internet connectivity for the disabled in New Mexico
2021-08-10Internet connectivity for the disabled in New Mexico
2021-08-06What to see when visiting east coast colleges, esp. scenic driving route
2021-08-04Gulf vacation on short notice?
2021-04-21How can I be a delightful and surprising aunt to a 3 year old?
2021-04-12Book ID: five kids, orphaned and hiding it, 70s
2021-04-09Help me help my mother do her history homework
2021-04-09Black bean soup recipe for ---ONE CAN OF BEANS---
2021-02-23How to become a family law attorney: advice for a middle schooler
2021-01-09Can't get mail in HUD housing