Which comments by BibiRose were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2024?

2024-12-17Experience gifts: let's list them all
2024-11-26Thanksgiving mocktails
2024-11-25“Picture it: Sicily, 2024. A terrible grudge began at the zoo”
2024-09-07Painful, sensitive teeth after abdominal surgery -- why?
2024-08-14Is there a name for this?
2024-06-16Ice Cream Sandwich Cookie Help
2024-06-15Second question of the week: tasty crunchy dirt, and bitterness
2024-04-23Didn't get job of a lifetime - how to feel better about my future?
2024-04-15Coping after a health anxiety/panic disorder crisis
2024-04-06Noticeable effects of cannabis legalisation?
2024-03-15Best/creative way to surprise spouse with a large cash gift?
2024-01-27 Chewing gum that doesn’t stick to dental work