Which comments by xedrik were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2022?

2022-12-22Does HP Tango use Liquid or Dry Toner
2022-11-17Creative and/or weird uses and abuses of Twitch streaming
2022-11-08Wedding ring wont come off finger…..surgery tomorrow
2022-11-05How do I get English as my YouTube language?
2022-11-04Substitute for cheap Korean notebooks
2022-10-16Challenging Christmas music
2022-08-28We are groot
2022-07-29Help remove this bent door latch assembly
2022-07-15Is it OK to use a mattress that may have gotten ant spray on it?
2022-07-05Recommendation for calming yoga / meditation / acupuncture music on CD?
2022-06-13Rent a ladder in downtown Manhattan
2022-06-01Recommendations for off-brand Sonic electric toothbrush heads?
2022-05-17Gettin' around the San Juan Islands
2022-04-20A printer for printing maps
2022-04-17How to digitize/scan old slides
2022-04-10"Another ""LED bulbs have mind of their own"" post"
2022-03-06Acceptable 2.1 Desktop System
2022-01-2880s Apple IIc Video Game... with rabbits?
2022-01-25Contemporary PC fantasy games throwing back to the 80s and early 90s?