Which comments by y2karl were favorited by Superplin in MetaFilter?

2016-12-14You can’t count votes that never got a chance to be cast
2016-10-24Alexander Hamilton's beany guacamole dip: 18 days to go
2016-10-05Send in your seconds, see if they can set the record straight
2016-09-20At least we know she knows where France is.
2016-09-12Honestly, it's kind of draining
2016-09-06You're openly campaigning? Sure!
2016-08-13...a moment in history where it is almost hard to catch your breath.
2016-07-26Chase the Clouds Away
2016-07-26Chase the Clouds Away
2016-07-25Election Update: John Adams Doesn't Have A Real Job Anyway
2016-07-23Election Update: John Adams Doesn't Have A Real Job Anyway
2016-07-23Election Update: John Adams Doesn't Have A Real Job Anyway
2016-07-14US Presidential Election Roundup: But If You Had to Choose
2016-07-05The campaign lurches into the summer
2016-06-29The campaign lurches into the summer
2016-06-22The last primary
2016-06-20The last primary
2016-06-20The last primary
2016-06-03159 days to go. Stay strong
2016-05-28Nothing is certain, except death and taxes and a US election campaign.
2016-05-27Nothing is certain, except death and taxes and a US election campaign.
2016-05-04Trump will be the Republican standard-bearer