Which comments by y2karl were favorited by joedan in MetaFilter?

2021-10-13Cheese and beer. The true paleo diet
2020-04-25Your Dinosaurs Are Wrong
2018-05-30Roseanne no more
2018-05-30The Salvia Trip That Took Me from Alaska to Texas
2017-03-26He's been up all night listening to Mohammed's radio...
2016-10-29Casting our vote is the ultimate way we go high when they go low
2016-10-10♪♫ Don’t modulate the key then not debate with me!
2016-08-13...a moment in history where it is almost hard to catch your breath.
2016-07-24Election Update: John Adams Doesn't Have A Real Job Anyway
2016-06-21The last primary
2016-06-15The last primary
2016-06-14The last primary
2016-06-08We are on the brink of a historic moment...
2016-05-24The country is never as bad as conservatives think it is
2011-06-17Have we reached the era of the post-ironic riot?