Which comments by y2karl were favorited by TedW in MetaFilter?

2024-06-24In 1964, the Klan killed three young activists and shocked the nation
2024-05-12Jesus Xing Musk
2023-11-20"""If anthropomorphizing a body part is wrong, I don’t want to be right"""
2023-08-11RIP Robbie Robertson
2023-06-15How a dose of MDMA transformed a white supremacist
2023-06-08Joan Didion, the Death of R.F.K. and a Mystery Solved
2022-10-03Whatever I Write Will be Proven Wrong, Likely in Catastrophic Fashion
2022-10-03Whatever I Write Will be Proven Wrong, Likely in Catastrophic Fashion
2022-09-28Let the Arguing Begin!
2022-07-27$230,000 (and counting)
2022-01-03"""It’s like people who try to clone their dogs"""
2021-08-04The Truman Show
2021-08-01The Concert For Bangladesh
2021-05-23Bob Dylan at 80
2021-03-10Self-decapitating slug
2016-04-21Even though ye are naughty, I still luv ye... aye!
2016-04-21Even though ye are naughty, I still luv ye... aye!
2012-11-19we choose to have an election thread and and do the other things, not because they are easy but because they are hard
2010-05-11Rrrrrrrrr!! ROONEY!!!