Which comments by y2karl were favorited by chris24 in MetaFilter?

2018-05-30Roseanne no more
2016-11-25I still wake up and remember who is the President-elect
2016-10-29Casting our vote is the ultimate way we go high when they go low
2016-10-24Alexander Hamilton's beany guacamole dip: 18 days to go
2016-10-20♪♫ Oh my God. Tear this dude apart.
2016-10-11♪♫ Don’t modulate the key then not debate with me!
2016-10-10♪♫ Don’t modulate the key then not debate with me!
2016-10-08[ELECTION 2016] ♪♫ He’s never gon' be President now... ♪♫
2016-09-29Ask him a question: it glances off, he obfuscates, he dances.
2016-09-12Honestly, it's kind of draining
2016-09-06You're openly campaigning? Sure!
2016-08-22Peace and Quiet and Open Air / Wait for Us / Somewhere
2016-08-13...a moment in history where it is almost hard to catch your breath.
2016-07-15US Presidential Election Roundup: But If You Had to Choose
2016-07-09The campaign lurches into the summer
2016-07-04The campaign lurches into the summer
2016-06-29The campaign lurches into the summer
2016-06-29The campaign lurches into the summer
2016-06-28The last primary
2016-06-23The last primary
2016-06-20The last primary
2016-06-18The last primary
2016-06-15The last primary
2016-06-13The last primary
2016-06-10We are on the brink of a historic moment...
2016-06-08We are on the brink of a historic moment...
2016-06-07We are on the brink of a historic moment...
2016-06-06159 days to go. Stay strong
2016-06-03159 days to go. Stay strong
2016-06-02159 days to go. Stay strong
2016-05-31Nothing is certain, except death and taxes and a US election campaign.
2016-05-30Nothing is certain, except death and taxes and a US election campaign.
2016-05-29Nothing is certain, except death and taxes and a US election campaign.
2016-05-29Nothing is certain, except death and taxes and a US election campaign.
2016-05-29Nothing is certain, except death and taxes and a US election campaign.
2016-05-29Nothing is certain, except death and taxes and a US election campaign.
2016-05-28Nothing is certain, except death and taxes and a US election campaign.
2016-05-28Nothing is certain, except death and taxes and a US election campaign.
2016-05-28Nothing is certain, except death and taxes and a US election campaign.
2016-05-28Nothing is certain, except death and taxes and a US election campaign.
2016-05-27Nothing is certain, except death and taxes and a US election campaign.
2016-05-27Nothing is certain, except death and taxes and a US election campaign.
2016-05-26Nothing is certain, except death and taxes and a US election campaign.
2016-05-25Nothing is certain, except death and taxes and a US election campaign.