Which comments by y2karl were favorited by Meatbomb in MetaFilter?

2023-10-17Diamonds and Rust
2023-08-22The Space Program That Fell To Earth
2023-07-04“A visionary novelist and a revolutionary chronicler of gay life”
2023-06-15"""Hand on heart..."
2023-06-12Redditors, in defense of Reddit, destroy Reddit
2023-01-23Ukraine war continuing into 2023
2022-12-30Misogynist Monster Fucks Around, Finds Out
2022-12-29Misogynist Monster Fucks Around, Finds Out
2022-11-21Six people who loved to watch television, but didn't like what they saw
2022-10-17Analysis and speculation regarding use of nuclear weapons
2022-10-15Analysis and speculation regarding use of nuclear weapons
2022-05-13"""We're all going to die someday."""
2022-04-21Cryptocurrency is Asbestos.
2022-03-13Regarding Carole Cadwalladr: After Stonehenge, Wales' Greatest imho
2022-01-11In Post-Soviet Russia, The Simpsons Jokes Laugh At You!
2021-04-08Fotomat's Greatest Hits
2021-04-07Fotomat's Greatest Hits
2020-12-23A Long Time Ago When They Was Fab
2020-12-07Money Doesn’t Talk, It Swears
2020-10-17Toots Hibbert & the Birth of Reggae
2016-11-26Fidel Castro, 1926-2016
2016-10-29Casting our vote is the ultimate way we go high when they go low
2013-01-02Dark Ecology
2011-09-01I Know Who I Paid