Which comments by y2karl were favorited by Silverstone in MetaFilter?

2017-03-30Feed the Tamagotchi or democracy dies
2017-03-26He's been up all night listening to Mohammed's radio...
2016-12-14You can’t count votes that never got a chance to be cast
2016-10-29Casting our vote is the ultimate way we go high when they go low
2016-10-10♪♫ Don’t modulate the key then not debate with me!
2016-10-08[ELECTION 2016] ♪♫ He’s never gon' be President now... ♪♫
2016-10-08[ELECTION 2016] ♪♫ He’s never gon' be President now... ♪♫
2016-09-20At least we know she knows where France is.
2016-09-15Honestly, it's kind of draining
2016-09-11You're openly campaigning? Sure!
2016-09-11You're openly campaigning? Sure!
2016-09-11You're openly campaigning? Sure!
2016-09-06You're openly campaigning? Sure!
2016-08-30There’s only one way for us to win this / Provoke outrage, outright
2016-08-22Peace and Quiet and Open Air / Wait for Us / Somewhere