Which comments by y2karl were favorited by justsomebodythatyouusedtoknow in MetaFilter?

2024-04-27Ad Maiorem Gloriam Concreti
2024-02-04Well, here's your viewing for the week decided.
2023-07-18“Things fall apart, especially all the neat order of rules and laws.”
2023-06-22Submersible visiting the Titanic has gone missing
2023-01-21Ukraine war continuing into 2023
2022-03-13Regarding Carole Cadwalladr: After Stonehenge, Wales' Greatest imho
2022-03-10I Give My Little Stars to Children
2021-06-16Stephen King: Are you afraid of the dark?
2021-06-15Stephen King: Are you afraid of the dark?
2021-05-27A map of the unseen unknown aka dark matter
2020-12-07Money Doesn’t Talk, It Swears
2018-05-11Hi there! This is, um, Skynet.
2016-07-26Meet Luca, the Ancestor of All Living Things
2015-11-10A Near-sighted Scrap Pile