Which comments by y2karl were favorited by Caduceus in MetaFilter?

2018-05-2621 Songs About or Featuring Drinking
2018-04-23you absolute coat hanger
2016-11-06♪♫ The world turned upside down. Finally, it's US election week.
2016-07-21Summon all the courage you require, then count. (Day 1, 2, 3, FOUR) RNC
2016-07-18The RNC.
2016-07-16US Presidential Election Roundup: But If You Had to Choose
2016-07-15US Presidential Election Roundup: But If You Had to Choose
2016-07-09The campaign lurches into the summer
2016-07-05The campaign lurches into the summer
2016-06-29The campaign lurches into the summer
2016-06-29The campaign lurches into the summer
2016-06-21The last primary
2016-06-20The last primary
2016-06-18The last primary
2016-06-14The last primary
2016-06-13The last primary
2015-06-10Separation Schmeparation