Which comments by kevinbelt were favorited by Proofs and Refutations in MetaFilter?

2023-02-28As a connoisseur of garbage, I feel right at home.
2021-02-04Transgression, An Elegy
2020-03-01A perfect miniature representation of what the GOP is becoming.
2020-02-20We will never find dignity in air travel
2020-02-05How McKinsey Destroyed the Middle Class
2020-02-03Privatizing the United States Army Was a Mistake
2019-07-31Debaters adroit and maladroit in Detroit
2019-07-30Debaters adroit and maladroit in Detroit
2019-07-23"""Me after reading any article on the cut: this is horrifying"""
2019-06-03The Myth of 'Self Made' and The Role of Privilege
2019-05-13Blow Up
2019-05-08That's Meta-Country, Bro
2019-05-07What happened after my 13 year old son joined the alt-right
2019-02-13I See Monsters
2019-02-13The progressive to-do list is missing a very important idea
2018-11-13There should be no more poaching of private companies with public funds.
2018-08-10People use basic income to improve their quality of life
2018-08-08Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba lobsters ba ba ba
2018-07-25“billionaire” has turned into a derogatory term
2018-06-26It's late but let's see if we can make this interesting
2018-06-14In Defense of Flamboyance
2018-03-09America's junk epidemic
2017-09-12The View From The Top
2017-07-05"Lawmakers taped up signs declaring their offices a ""Dental Free Zone"""
2017-04-09“He really just prefers butter for a number of reasons.”
2017-04-06Commentators assume podcasting basically began with Serial.
2017-03-28Metafilter: The level of hatred was amazing and quite funny.
2016-11-14The Inexplicably Ubiquitous Phenomenon of 'Woods Porn'
2016-07-25Say (American) Cheese!
2016-07-12The Other Black Shoe Drops
2016-06-16Welcome to Congress! Here's your cubicle, telephone and script.
2016-05-26At Baylor, More Than A Falling Starr
2016-04-27"""I can't sentence you for being a child molester""--judge to Hastert"
2016-04-19How to Blow $9 Billion in 6 Months
2016-01-06Define 'interesting.'