Which comments by rabbitrabbit were favorited by sciatrix in MetaFilter?

2024-01-12In other news, water is wet
2024-01-12In other news, water is wet
2024-01-12In other news, water is wet
2023-09-28we routinely throw people in without any training
2022-12-07My boyfriend, a writer, broke up with me because I’m a writer
2018-06-09In Academia, Professors Coming On to You Is on the Syllabus
2018-03-05"""Having a daughter makes it less likely that they keep having children."""
2017-07-06Which group is protected from hate speech? The correct answer: white men
2017-02-07The Trump roundup
2017-01-30An interesting week of politics has occurred in a former British colony
2017-01-12No new information for those who have been paying attention.