Which posts in Ask MetaFilter have the most comments?

2010-07-06915colinmarshallYou were doing it wrong
2006-10-02743sportbucketWhat Is This Creepy Site Advertising?
2012-07-13371k8tCat lost at Devil's Tower - help
2015-05-13355mirandateasing boyfriend just won't stop
2010-08-31355AnonymousIs her excessive temper a red flag for our wedding or can it be overcome?
2009-11-20343lunalagunaBut what's it there for? Do you actually sleep on it?
2015-08-02297Cool Papa BellThe dream of the 90s is ... what?
2011-11-05291DiablevertWhat are America's quirks?
2011-06-27289MsMollyBut at least I'm not from...
2005-11-13272airnxtzis an ebay fraud seller free?
2016-08-02271hankscorpio83"Examples of ""regional"" common knowledge"
2011-03-25267ictowHelp me break me
2016-11-23266insectosaurusWhich way do you face in the shower?
2012-09-18261BlasdelbHow do you spot an amateur?
2014-10-03257sarcasticahWhich TV-show intro was this?!
2005-12-12244Mo NickelsFriend: Do I report my boyfriend to HR?
2017-09-29240stillmovingWhat normal thing from your childhood would be considered strange today?
2013-03-15240liziferTell me about your peeves
2009-10-27237jebAmericans: Was your town a [rumored] Cold War missile target?
2007-09-08237limonWhat single book is the best introduction to your field (or specialization within your field) for laypeople?
2022-10-18236bondcliffHow local was this Thing?
2010-05-19235fakeHelp me help my friend in DC.
2015-06-19230sockpuppetryDid my boyfriend just get married?
2012-07-07227CheeseAndRiceIs my boyfriend controlling or am I making this into an issue when it's no big deal?
2011-01-04220otherwordlyglowWould you mind taking your shoes off?
2009-10-07220Lipstick ThespianYou Are Trying To Break My Heart
2010-01-24218damn dirty apeThings that only happen in movies.
2010-11-30217KhazkNickname that store
2011-04-18216yalestarSpringtucky Derby
2011-03-31216edlundartWho is this older male singer?
2015-01-22213OmnomnomBitch in Business
2013-01-09212ErikH2000Examples of cliched business speak in the US?
2010-10-07210AnonymousDoes one or both of us need therapy, or is it time to DTMFA?
2010-10-05209miss lynnsterGimme some nicknames. Dorks.
2009-07-02208Earl the PolliwogInsights gained via one's career
2005-02-02208jeremiasWhat experience most shaped who you are?
2012-01-13207holdkris99Gold teeth and a curse for this town were all in my mouth
2008-05-26203pravitWhy do some people wear shoes indoors?
2011-05-27202CosineStill rude to wear a hat indoors?
2007-01-24201asavageOld west Mythbusters
2013-02-04200lemonadeheretic"What's the ""bless your heart"" of your field?"
2009-03-20199AnonymousWe'd prefer invites with tact
2005-01-17197bonaldiModern Cover Question
2007-12-17196MikoMore like St. Smellmo
2014-04-29195AnonymousHelp me feel better about my daughter's name.
2011-04-18193AnonymousHow do I un-traumatize myself?
2014-09-15192lstanleyBad candy, bad!
2013-11-08192daileBoyfriend takes pictures of neighbor
2012-12-10189sock puppet mop bucketPlease help me leave my abusive fiance.
2012-01-17189BadgerDoctor"What's your favorite line from ""The Simpsons"""
2009-09-10189jjgWhat is the best love song you've ever heard?
2012-06-05185AnonymousIs asking for immediate help from your partner unreasonable?
2012-03-06185spicynutsEPIC FAIL MOVIES
2010-11-06185Rory Marinich:D
2015-07-26182d. z. wangwhat do people incorrectly believe to be universal?
2014-08-07182ferdinandccSmells that don't exist anymore, or are harder to find in real life
2013-05-14180FAMOUS MONSTERWon't you help me solve a thirty-year-old puzzle?
2013-02-07179blazingunicornWhat superpower or quirk have you picked up because of your 9-5 gig?
2011-03-06179FoferRebus Help Needed. For the sake of my mental health.
2017-10-15177kevinbeltLocal fast food
2011-08-15176cavalierLooking for help naming mah BABY! Daughter...
2008-04-02176RinkuExciting food combinations?
2014-04-29175bondcliffWhat's a good movie to rent for a bunch of twelve year-old boys?
2009-09-15175cranberrymongerWhat album is so good that you never skip a song?
2013-03-26174Anonymous"Help! I'm living in a ""Family Guy"" episode."
2008-11-10172spamguyThis Is My Dog, Reginald McPimplewagon
2009-06-08171dejah420Party foul, or reason for jihad?
2010-09-15170pauldonatoNot-obvious things you shouldn't say to women
2008-02-14170jjjjjjjijjjjjjj"Steer me to your nearest ""bad neighborhood""..."
2011-10-17169YoungAmericanHelp rename my public radio show!
2016-09-05168quiet_musingsHow did you meet your significant other?
2009-02-11168AnonymousI accidentally saw porn on my boss's computer, now what?
2016-06-24167MitheralYou keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it mean
2013-05-26167destronomicsCat stuck on 7th story molding
2009-07-09166MaryDellamorteYou found WHAT in your drawer?
2011-05-04165MeatFilterCancelled Wedding - How would you react?
2009-12-31164AnonymousI prefer awkard and geeky to this
2006-06-23164PlutorWhy is the opening at the front of men's briefs still there if it's rarely used?
2006-02-07164ciorI feel after-school special.
2011-03-01163WaspEnterprisesUh oh, I think I just seized the day.
2022-07-07161Flying SaucerHow many bands have songs where they say their own name?
2014-02-07161tomorrowShould I continue to date an egregiously bad tipper?
2014-01-04161scodyThis rock chick needs more rock chicks to listen to.
2008-04-02161cosmic osmoBegging the question, for all intensive purposes: misused colloquialisms in modern English
2019-07-18159pH Indicating Socks30 minutes to an hour of heaven
2012-02-28159JonahBlackHelp middle name my baby!
2006-05-08159dseatonBuckle Up?
2016-03-21158mymblethThe Re-Readables
2012-10-10158soooohow to respond to a guy who invites you on a date and wants you to pay?
2010-09-27157Nickel PickleShould I pay to replace a rude guest's shawl?
2009-09-06157idiopathWhat do the makers like?
2008-10-14157roger ackroydparents say the darndest things
2013-11-08156hanov3rHey, Soul Sister, is that Mr. Mister?
2013-10-04156dobbsYet another request for a dog name...
2011-12-14156catatethebirdBitter Songs
2011-09-08156cupcake1337no one wants to fuck me
2009-07-01156tr0ubleyUnique flavor combinations
2006-04-30156blahblahblahPick the best science fiction book for the uninitiated...
2005-12-17156crazyrayshould we tell our daughter the tryuth about santa?
2004-08-09156jmd82Movies to Cry To
2017-06-19155helloimjennsco"Songs That Make You Go ""THAT'S MY SONG!"""
2016-01-30155ChkalovskayaShaving every day as the price of admission for sex
2011-12-14155micketymocIntroduce me to mindblowing covers of cliched songs.
2008-12-22155cgc373Have you ever thrown a book across a room?
2008-04-28155iamkimiamOh, so you're a [insert profession here]! How [insert whacky generalization and misguided curiosity here]?
2010-06-17154ShepherdWhat is the ultimate answer to life, the universe, and everything?
2009-07-08154bigmusicThe food that defines your state is?
2008-12-16154lunchboxTouchy discussion subjects for your occupation/group?
2007-10-31154SmarsonA Room By Any Other Name
2012-05-21153MonsieurBonCat boner-farts
2006-07-06153AnonymousHe's watching porn. At work.
2013-08-23152dekathelonSuppose you're never going to have any friends for the rest of your life
2008-09-18152GIRLesqIs he a cheater?
2005-09-21152SticherbeastWhat are the saddest songs?
2014-01-20151JannaKDecoding cancer-addled ramblings
2011-04-11151WaspEnterprisesThis just might be your bag, baby.
2008-02-12150MaryDellamorteLife changing movies
2006-04-19150team lowkeyWhat are the hep cats spoutin'?
2005-11-17149Robot JohnnyFictional characters with funny names?
2016-05-10148bleepIs shaving your legs difficult?
2014-06-12148Zosia BlueBest cocktails bars in each US state
2012-05-24148royalsongI want to listen to songs that make me cry.
2007-11-06148AnonymousIs there anything else I can get you, Master?
2022-07-13146jeszac Noteworthy Covers of Famous Songs
2015-12-22146acorncupReal words that sound like nonsense words
2009-09-26146MonkeyToes"""Bless your heart"" and other backhanded phrases? "
2008-02-18146easy_being_greenWhat is the first book you remember loving?
2007-04-25146comwizMixed Soda Name?
2006-05-25146grumblebeeBring me to the edge of my seat, and then push me over!
2005-03-14146borkingchikapaLosing faith
2011-04-27145troublesWhy not poetry?
2010-08-14145ljs30cash bar, wedding?
2010-06-01145gadhaHow do I become a considerate gift giver?
2009-01-17145AnonymousIs my husband trying to kill me?
2007-03-20145FalconettiDenominated Urscenes
2005-10-18145captainscaredWhat CD do you currently love.
2010-03-03144ericthegardenerHard Habit To Break
2007-12-30144pravitWords that native English speakers mispronounce
2017-12-22143hexaflexagonWhat is a life-changing realization you wish you had sooner? (2017 ed.)
2013-11-19143Stan GrossmanWhat are your favorite quirky sayings?
2012-06-06143taffHelp and angsty feminist parent talk with the school and her daughter.
2012-06-06143AnonymousI really, really, really don't want him to be THAT guy.
2011-01-19143heyforfourBad as in terrible, not bad as in really good
2010-10-22143reuscamHow to wean my wife off therapy?
2010-01-03143AnonymousI screwed up; what do I do now?
2007-04-14143Tommy GnosisBest song by the worst band
2005-10-17143sourwookieI've been to paradise....
2016-06-07142leibnizunhappy endings you actually value?
2012-01-18142kineticHow am I supposed to repay a scholarship based on financial need?
2010-05-13142Turkey GlueDamn the Torpedoes!
2008-02-07142fuzzbeanLonely movie seeks mate for night of incredible synergy
2006-10-20142AnonymousHow does a Protestant minister handle a confession of murder?
2005-11-30142PurplePorpoiseRock bands with female leads?
2022-05-04141dede"What are foods that made you say, ""Where have you been my whole life?!"""
2017-11-15141tzikehObjectively crappy/subjectively awesome movies to laugh at while tipsy
2011-12-14141holterbarbourCelebrities with hidden, incredible talents?
2009-09-11141Brody's chumSingers who listen to other songs?
2007-10-23141kiwitobesFamous working couples
2006-11-29141lorimer"Seeking movies with interesting moments of specific, sudden turnarounds/""surprises"""
2005-11-04141brandzmovies that don't meet expectations
2004-11-24141grumblebeeWhy are some people chronically late?
2018-11-23140calibratorI have a young family and don’t see a future for the marriage
2010-05-15140ian1977I decided that I needed less. not. more.
2007-06-20140mothershockBooks that changed your life as a girl
2005-12-15140billysumdaySongs with hand claps
2005-12-14140pithy commentGood clean jokes.
2016-08-17139signalWhat do you call yourself in the second person singular?
2012-12-17139frizzleBest TV shows to keep you hooked?
2008-12-22139One Second Before AwakeningHelp us rally around a common weirdness
2007-03-24139wfrgmsI love me some science... her, eh, not so much...
2013-12-20138HellafilesPostcard stalker?
2010-07-13138AnonymousShould I name my daughter Lucy?
2009-07-05138AnonymousI have a people problem. I have no idea what it is.
2005-02-14138GuckyLoving Bad Movies
2004-01-08138limitedpieWhat is a good name for our daughter?
2013-09-06137FerminWhat are some nice feminine sounding gender neutral names?
2009-09-19137d. z. wangAcademic Shibboleths
2008-07-08137ChasFileWhat do you call a long, thin sandwich?
2007-06-24137jmpriceWhat are your most absurd, thought provoking questions?
2016-06-03136kingfishquitting job to day trade for a living, Need Advice
2011-09-30136katygglsAnd Cain rose up...
2009-03-25136MaryDellamorteWould this offend you?
2016-09-24135Gosha_DogWhat are your favorite transcendent, gives you the chills, performances?
2015-04-29135dubious_dude"Roommate and new ""girlfriend"" making me uncomfortable. Solutions?"
2012-10-18135tooloudinhereWhat is your job like, really?
2012-08-29135justonegirlHow to survive a marital separation arrangement?
2011-06-15135amacph10Help me identify abusive relationship
2010-05-04135almsSeeking English words with meanings hidden in plain sight
2010-03-09135n'muakoloSongs that make your heart swell?
2009-07-15135heather-bN’est pas “on the cheap”
2009-06-02135I FoodyWhat books do people proselytize about?
2007-12-03135Vic Morrow's Personal Vietnamsupport our troops with extreme noise terror
2005-05-12135yodelingisfunWeddings and name changes
2017-01-11134st elmo's fireI messed up big time in my relationship. Now what?
2015-09-15134AnonymousIt was September 15, 1985 and....
2015-06-04134smorgasbordWorth every cent!