Date | Post |
2018-10-08 | """...any hope for a rescue is unlikely.""" |
2018-02-07 | A start, not an end point. |
2018-01-13 | But could he hit a curveball? |
2017-12-02 | """I'm mostly a puddle.""" |
2017-11-29 | """Hummingbirds Are Where Intuition Goes to Die""" |
2017-11-22 | Preaching Integration. Practicing Segregation. |
2017-11-10 | Not alone |
2016-07-29 | Twinkle, Twinkle, Vogel Staar: On Mozart's Feathered Collaborator |
2016-04-16 | לעולם לא לשכוח |
2015-04-02 | Cowabunga! |
2015-03-07 | """My business is built on everlasting trust.”" |
2014-04-08 | Eppur si muove |
2014-04-02 | Travelers |
2013-08-21 | Letting Go |
2012-10-25 | """When the lights go out for good, my people will still be here. We have our ancient ways. We will remain.""" |
2012-10-09 | “It wasn’t your time.” |
2012-07-25 | They should have mailed it to the Marx Brothers |
2012-07-22 | Welcome to The Long Wall of 10,000 Li |
2012-03-26 | In the name of Defense. |
2012-03-13 | """On Behalf Of Governor Rick Perry, May I Welome You To Your Compulsory Transvaginal Exam...""" |
2012-02-28 | """...whatever job you take, you're going to spend a lot of time there. You should try to make it fun.""" |
2011-11-28 | """You can’t regret your fate, although I do regret my mother didn’t marry a carpenter.""" |
2011-10-15 | "The Strategy? ""Pitch Swift.""" |
2011-08-09 | """Dana is playing Bill Clinton literally breastfeeding puppies—that was our introduction to America.""" |
2011-08-03 | זו הכלכלה, טמבל |
2011-04-30 | ♪ |
2011-03-01 | """Sooner or later, nearly everyone on Haaretz gets called a Nazi.""" |
2010-08-07 | The Miserable Ones |
2010-07-23 | Poetry in Hell |