Which posts by y2karl were favorited by keds in MetaFilter?

2008-10-09Searching For Robert Johnson: Guitar expert spots new photograph on eBay auction
2008-03-27Researchers Play Tune Recorded Before Edison See also Phonoautograph
2008-01-20Ramblin' Jack Elliott on the YouTube and Online
2007-10-30I can't eat, I can't talk - Been drinkin' mean jake, Lord, now can't walk - Ain't got nothin' now to lose - Cause I'm a jake walkin' papa with the 'Jake Walk Blues' - The Allen Brothers
2007-06-29You want the Old Skool? You can't handle the Old Skool! You don't even have a clue what the Old Skool is! *chops down door* Here's ...Johnny!!!
2006-09-20y2karlTube - Simply Beautiful
2002-07-10Harry Smith and The Anthology of American Folk Music