Which posts by zarq were favorited by Green-eyed grenade in MetaFilter?

2018-12-20“Eu quero que ela se ferre em verde e amarelo”
2018-08-08Es Hoy
2018-03-15The Shield
2018-03-08How to Raise a Boy
2018-03-02"""A Magazine of Literature, Art and Politics"""
2018-02-28The struggle for power never really ends
2018-02-21He's either as smart as the devil himself or the luckiest bastard alive.
2018-02-07A start, not an end point.
2018-01-13But could he hit a curveball?
2017-12-29"“We terminated the most precious American asset..."""
2017-12-13"In a crisis, play ""Don't Stop Believin'"""
2017-11-29"""Hummingbirds Are Where Intuition Goes to Die"""
2017-11-22Preaching Integration. Practicing Segregation.
2017-11-02he was just trying to make a living
2017-10-22“Do not take anything for granted. Not even words.”
2017-08-21After 15 years Whedonesque Shuts Down. Site was Inspired by MeFi.
2017-08-02"""It was like Yelp for prostitution."""
2017-07-31"""Cured my ""fish"" of its tooth, ear and foot infections - 4 Stars"""
2017-06-26A man with a boat-shaped mind, in a boat with a man-shaped soul
2016-12-21Ullevaalsalléen 5, Oslo
2016-11-30Like it's proud of itself.
2016-11-04Conversations with Tyler
2016-08-19Due Process
2011-07-26To help thousands of people in over 200 countries diagnose, treat and prevent common illnesses