Which posts by y2karl were favorited by JSilva in MetaFilter?

2024-05-07Save the Whales -- All-Cetacean division
2023-11-14UFO? UAP? WTF?
2022-10-26FRONTLINE - Putin's Attack on Ukraine: Documenting War Crimes
2022-08-03The Minds of Bumblebees
2022-03-25Pianist Barney the Cat jams with bassist Jeffin Rodegheri
2022-03-02The Elephant In The Courtroom
2022-02-18What animals are thinking and feeling and why it should matter
2022-01-26Tales of Whales: Animal Minds Visited, Revisited & Beyond
2022-01-25Can Science Fiction Wake Us Up to Our Climate Reality?
2022-01-20Virtual Ancient Rome in 3D
2022-01-07Johan Huizinga -- Homo Ludens
2021-03-31More Fun Than Fun: How Do Insect Societies Deal With Infectious Diseases
2021-02-05...Their Apps Tracked Them.
2020-10-21How Rudy Giuliani Got Caught Red-Handed With Borat’s Daughter
2020-10-17See the Keepers
2020-10-13Do We Live in a Simulation? Chances Are about 50–50
2020-09-10Moral Grandstanding
2018-06-16It Can Happen Here