Which posts by y2karl were favorited by yohko in MetaFilter?

2022-08-03The Minds of Bumblebees
2013-10-04y2bekarl's Sweet Soul Music Hit Me!
2012-12-21y2funkysoultrainlive ( or, at least... lip synced )
2008-10-09Searching For Robert Johnson: Guitar expert spots new photograph on eBay auction
2008-03-16The Geometry of Music
2007-10-22Folktunes.org - The Folktunes Archive for teaching and learning.
2004-09-23Casey Jones, Stagolee, Frankie and Johnny - Murder and Death Ballad Back Stories
2003-02-14Rilke, quintessential poet of love, and The History of Romantic Love. Yeah... that's the ticket.!