Which posts by zarq were favorited by yohko in MetaFilter?

2018-05-13Delaware Bans Child Marriage
2017-08-05Misogyny based on flawed/erroneous/outdated social science theories
2016-01-14Ditch the DEET, get a Cock ring in Peru
2015-10-30Livestreaming Happy Trees
2015-08-20"It stands for ""Special Person Entering the World... Egg Yolks"""
2015-08-15"""If someone doesn’t want to have sex with you, don’t have sex with them"""
2015-02-05“German Concentration Camps Factual Survey”
2014-01-15To Simply Be
2014-01-07This post courtesy of the little green guys and the red jammies
2013-12-07"""We just choose to be present."""
2013-10-19"""This is my gift to you. Do with it what you want."""
2013-09-07"""Big waste country, the U.S."""
2013-08-27"“It just got very, very old and all of us felt that we were whores."""
2013-08-21Letting Go
2013-07-26"""We All Lament the Difficulty We Have Persuading Americans"""
2013-07-11Five Feet of Books
2013-05-14America's 10 Worst Prisons
2012-12-17"""You can't get un-famous. You can get infamous, but you can't get un-famous."""
2010-07-02The Hidden World of Girls
2010-01-25Contact is the secret, is the moment, when everything happens. Contact....